How to Lose Weight Without a Gym

By PenMan McCoy

How to Lose Weight Without a Gym

The cheapest gym workout is the one you create in your house. Lose weight naturally by exercising at home and eating more nutritious foods.

By PenMan McCoy

OverviewLosing weight does not mean you must spend hours and hours a week in the gym. You can save money with different techniques. Following a balanced lifestyle is the best way to stay stress-free, healthy and maintain the best weight for your body. Eating a balanced diet, exercising at home and taking care of your stress levels will help you to lose weight without a gym.Step 1Write down on individual sheets of paper five to10 exercises you’d like to do at home. List the specific instructions and repetitions. Print a picture for demonstration for each of the exercise sheets. Place in a notebook.Step 2Print a calendar. You should schedule specific days to exercise. Write down which exercise you’ll do each day. You should plan the exercises during a time of day that you are most likely to work out. Place the calendar in your notebook.Step 3Talk to friends and family about the importance of exercise. Ask one of them to be your exercise partner. You can work out together at your home or theirs. This will help to keep you and your partner motivated and on track. Show your exercise partner your exercise book you put together (from steps 1 and 2).Step 4Draw a goal chart on a poster board. Make it simple or fancy. Hang it on a wall in your home with thumbtacks. Chart your progress.Step 5Write a weekly menu. Include healthy food choices. You should make certain that each meal has the appropriate number of calories to keep your body fueled and healthy.Step 6Add water to your daily diet. Most of us don’t drink enough water. You can even drink flavored water. This will help keep you hydrated during exercise and provide plenty of fluids for your body.skill2ingredientPencil
Poster board
Colored markers
ThumbtacksingredientsPencilingredientsPaperingredientsNotebookingredientsCalendaringredientsPoster boardingredientsColored markersingredientsThumbtackstipStart slowly with your exercise routine. Slowly build up the amount of workout time until you become more accustomed to it.

Don’t get discouraged and quit if you skip a day. Get back on track and keep going.tipsStart slowly with your exercise routine. Slowly build up the amount of workout time until you become more accustomed to it.tipsDon’t get discouraged and quit if you skip a day. Get back on track and keep going.warningYou should always warm up before starting an exercise routine.
Check with your local health care provider before starting an exercise or lose weight program.warningsYou should always warm up before starting an exercise routine.warningsCheck with your local health care provider before starting an exercise or lose weight program.keywordweight loss, workout, work outkeywordsweightkeywordslosskeywordsworkoutkeywordsworkkeywordsoutResourcesreferenceTips to Work Out Without a Gym

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