How to Potty Train a Dog to Go to the Same Place in a Yard

By Rose Kivi

How to Potty Train a Dog to Go to the Same Place in a Yard

By Rose Kivi

OverviewYou can train your dog to go potty in the area of your yard that you choose if you teach him using doggie language. Train your dog by appealing to his sense of smell and encourage him with verbal praise and treats. Keep a positive attitude to avoid confusing your dog and to make training fun.Step 1Choose a grassy area. Determine where you want your dog to go based on a section of your yard that has plenty of grass. If you have a male dog, choose a grassy area with bushes.Step 2Mark your chosen area. You can use a commercial urine scent attractant, available at pet supply stores, so that your dog knows where you want her to go potty. But for best results, use your dog’s own urine as a scent attractant. To do so, dab up a little bit of your dog’s urine with a paper towel and put it in your chosen potty area.Step 3Bring your dog over to his new potty area so that he can sniff around. Praise him as he sniffs his urine or the commercial urine attractant. Give your dog a treat and a lot of praise when she urinates or defecates in the potty area.Step 4Watch your dog for signs that she needs to relieve herself. If she looks like she is about to urinate or defecate bring her to her new potty area and verbally praise her.Step 5Remind your dog where he is supposed to go if he makes a mistake. If you catch your dog doing his business in the wrong place, calmly return him to his potty area. Tell him to “go potty” in a happy voice and praise him when he does.Step 6Clean the potty area of feces regularly. Dogs do not like to go in areas filled with feces, and may seek out another area if his potty place is not kept clean.skill4ingredientPaper towels
Commercial urine attractantingredientsPaper towelsingredientsCommercial urine attractanttipBe persistent when training your dog. Through repetition, your dog will learn what you want her to do.

It is easiest to train your dog to go to the bathroom in an area she is already used to using. Before picking a potty spot, take notice if your dog is already consistently using a single area.tipsBe persistent when training your dog. Through repetition, your dog will learn what you want her to do.tipstipsIt is easiest to train your dog to go to the bathroom in an area she is already used to using. Before picking a potty spot, take notice if your dog is already consistently using a single area.warningPuppies under six months of age do not have full bladder control and cannot be expected to consistently obey potty-training rules.

Never get mad at your dog for failing to go to the bathroom in the correct area. He simply does not understand what you are asking of him. Getting mad at your dog is ineffective because it will confuse him.warningsPuppies under six months of age do not have full bladder control and cannot be expected to consistently obey potty-training rules.warningswarningsNever get mad at your dog for failing to go to the bathroom in the correct area. He simply does not understand what you are asking of him. Getting mad at your dog is ineffective because it will confuse him.keyworddog, puppy, potty training, urine attractant, yardkeywordsdog,keywordspuppy,keywordspottykeywordstraining,keywordsurinekeywordsattractant,keywordsyardResourcesreferenceCongratulations! it’s a dog!; D. Caroline Coile; Sep. 1, 2005referenceThe Complete Idiot’s Guide to Positive Dog Training, 2nd Edition; Pamela Dennison; 2006resourcePositive Dog Training Techniques

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