How to Make Coffee in a French Press

By Launie Sorrels

How to Make Coffee in a French Press

Depending on your skill level, a French press coffee maker can seem overly simple or terribly complex. Find out the whys and hows of making French press coffee.
By Launie Sorrels

OverviewThe French press has invaded homes worldwide. The French press, then called a Cafeolette, began its popularity in the early 1900s. It is preferable to use large coffee beans when using a French press. The smaller grinds can clog the press and often creates sludge with the coffee. The finer the coffee grinds, the harder it is to press the plunger. Just remember to use quality beans that have been roasted within seven to 10 days, use quality bottled water if possible, and make sure that your French press is clean before every use, and you will get a good pot of coffee virtually every time.Step 1Remove the plunger from the French press. Turn on the French press to get it warm.Step 2Add 2 tbs. of whole-grain coffee per 4 ounces of coffee to be made to the press.Step 3Add hot water to the French press, leaving at least one inch of space at the top.Step 4Stir the water and coffee beans gently.Step 5Place the plunger back into the French press, and close the lid. Allow the coffee to brew for four minutes.Step 6Place your hand on the plunger, and press down slowly.Step 7Open the pour spout, and pour your coffee.skill1ingredientYour favorite gourmet coffee beansingredientsYour favorite gourmet coffee beanskeywordmake coffee, French press, coffee beanskeywordsmakekeywordscoffeekeywordsFrenchkeywordspresskeywordscoffeekeywordsbeansResourcesreferenceMake coffee in a French pressresourceHow to use a press pot

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