How to Make a Baby Gift Basket

By Melanie Williamson

How to Make a Baby Gift Basket

Making a baby gift basket is a sweet gesture for new parents. Choosing a great container and thoughtful items for the gift basket makes all the difference.

By Melanie Williamson

OverviewCreating a baby gift basket is a decorative way to give a soon-to-be mom the things she will need once the baby arrives. Creating this gift basket ensures that every piece will be useful to the mother. There is no wasted gift wrap or bulky basket. It should not take more than 45 minutes to assemble the basket. The cost of this project will depend on how much you spend buying the baby gifts. You can set a limit and then work to make sure everything you buy fits within the limit. The tub should be the most expensive part of the gift. The dowel can be purchased at any hardware store.How to Make a Baby Gift BasketStep 1Use tape to secure the dowel in the drain hole of the baby bath. The dowel should be sticking straight up out of the tub.Step 2Fold a blanket in half to create a triangle. You will need a blanket large enough to reach from the top of the tub to the top of the dowel. Square blankets work best because you can create a perfect triangle with it.Step 3Tape the blanket to the dowel and the tub to make it look like a sail. Make sure the fold in the blanket is on top or it will unfold after you tape it to the dowel.Step 4Line the tub with two more blankets to pad the bottom and to help secure the sail.Step 5Buy a large assortment of baby items, such as wipes, diaper rash creme, medicine, towels, blankets, baby bath products, washcloths, bath toys and a faucet cover. Try to keep the items within the realm of bath time or bedtime. This will help create the theme of the gift.Step 6Place the large items in the tub first, and arrange them so they are visually appealing. Start at the back of the tub and work your way forward. Use the smaller items to fill in blank spots.skill1ingredientbaby bathtub
dowel rod
baby blankets
baby bath and bedtime items.ingredientsbaby bathtubingredientsdowel rodingredientstapeingredientsbaby blanketsingredientsbaby bath and bedtime items.tipBefore you assemble the gift basket, you can paint the dowel to match the tub.tipsBefore you assemble the gift basket, you can paint the dowel to match the tub.warningThe finished gift basket will be heavy.warningsThe finished gift basket will be heavy.keywordbaby gift basketkeywordsbabykeywordsgiftkeywordsbasketResourcesreferencebaby gift basket ideasresourceTarget Baby

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