How to Install Energy-Efficient Window Shades

By Alexis Lawrence

How to Install Energy-Efficient Window Shades

By Alexis Lawrence

OverviewThirty percent of the heating and cooling efforts in your home are lost through the doors and windows. As there are generally more windows in a home than there are doors, windows are responsible for the biggest part of that loss. If you want to prevent your windows from leaking heat in the cold months and pulling in heat during the summer, you can cover the window with energy-efficient window shades. These shades will help keep out hot sunlight and keep the air from your heating and cooling system inside.Step 1Select the right shades. There are several types of shades that are made to protect your home’s heating and cooling investment. Solar coverings keep the sun’s rays out, and insulating coverings keep the heat in. Energy-saving window coverings are those that are made to do both. The packaging on your shade kit will tell you if they are made to serve both purposes.Step 2Remove any curtains. You will need total access to the window frame where you plan to mount your shade.Step 3Drill pilot holes. Measure in 2 inches from each side of the window, and make a line on the window frame. Hold a bracket up so that it is lined up with the mark and the lip is lined up with the front edge of the window frame. Mark each screw hole. Do the same on the other side where the second bracket will be placed. Use a drill with a 1/16-inch bit and drill straight up into the window header to make a starter hole for each screw.Step 4Place the shade brackets. Use the screws provided in your kit to attach the brackets to the window frame using the predrilled holes you created.Step 5Attach the shade to the brackets. Loosen the brace screws on each of the mounting brackets. Hook the front of the shade’s top rail onto the lip of the brackets, and push the rear of the rail toward the window. Tighten up the brace screws to secure the shade in place. To test the hold, try to pull the shades up and down. If there is too much movement, you may need to tighten the brace screws a little more.skill3ingredientEnergy-efficient window shade kit.
Tape measureingredientsEnergy-efficient window shade kitingredientsTape measuretipIf a window is longer than 44 inches across, use a third bracket. Measure to the center of the window and follow the same procedure as for the other two brackets to attach the bracket to the frame.

After the shade is pulled down, if it appears too short, leave it extended for a couple of days. The fabric should loosen up and lengthen somewhat.tipsIf a window is longer than 44 inches across, use a third bracket. Measure to the center of the window and follow the same procedure as for the other two brackets to attach the bracket to the frame.tipsAfter the shade is pulled down, if it appears too short, leave it extended for a couple of days. The fabric should loosen up and lengthen somewhat.keywordInstall Energy Efficient Window ShadeskeywordsInstallkeywordsEnergykeywordsEfficientkeywordsWindowkeywordsShadesResourcesreferenceEnergy Loss InformationreferenceInstallation Tutorial

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