How to Get Rid of a Headache Without Medicine

By Sandra Ketcham

How to Get Rid of a Headache Without Medicine

By Sandra Ketcham

OverviewHeadaches are a common problem with a multitude of causes and treatments. The pain of headaches can range from mild and annoying to severe and debilitating. Treatment depends on the specific type of headache and its cause, and medications are the first line of treatment for most headache sufferers. However, some people might be unable or unwilling to take medicine to treat their headache. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to get rid of a headache without medicine.Step 1Control the stress in your life and engage in a relaxing activities to ease muscle tension and get rid of a headache without medicine. Yoga, meditation, aromatherapy and tai chi are excellent methods of reducing stress levels and easing muscle tension.Step 2Massage your neck, shoulders and head using the tips of your fingers to relieve muscle tension and get rid of a headache. If possible, enlist a friend or partner to massage your muscles for you. For frequent headaches, you might want to visit a licensed massage therapist.Step 3Watch your posture. According to the Mayo Clinic, proper posture can both prevent and treat headaches by supporting your body and preventing strain on your muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. Hold your head high and shoulders back when standing, and make certain to keep your thighs parallel to the ground when sitting. Avoid slumping and slouching.Step 4Apply ice to your neck, forehead or scalp to get rid of a headache without medicine. You can also try alternating hot and cold. Take a long hot shower, and then follow it with an application of cold compresses to the back of your neck.Step 5Avoid environmental triggers for your headaches, such as bright lights, loud sounds and hot or cold weather. These triggers can make existing headaches worse in some people and can cause new headaches to develop in others.Step 6Slow down and cool off. Some people develop headaches after physical activity. This is often caused by overheating, dehydration or low blood sugar. Drinking fluids, eating a snack and cooling off will generally get rid of a headache in these cases.Step 7Take a nap and speak with your doctor if you wake in the mornings feeling tired. Even if you are sleeping a sufficient number of hours, the quality of your sleep might be affected by sleep disorders, medications or other health conditions. Lack of sleep is one of the primary causes of headaches, and it is also one of the easiest to fix.Step 8Schedule an acupuncture session for relief of chronic headaches. Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles into specific points in the body. Several sessions of acupuncture might be required to completely get rid of headaches.Step 9Try biofeedback to get rid of headaches, control pain and relieve tension. During a biofeedback session, you are connected to devices that monitor your heart rate, blood pressure, muscle tension and breathing rate. Using this information, you can learn to control the way you react to physical and emotional stimuli, which in turn alters the levels of certain chemicals in your body that are associated with headaches.Step 10Visit a chiropractor for a full evaluation and spinal adjustment, if needed. Injury to your neck or back might cause muscle tension or nerve inflammation, both of which can cause headaches. Some people experience nearly instantaneous relief from a headache after a chiropractic adjustment.skill3ingredientIce packsingredientsIce packstipPrevent headaches by limiting caffeine and alcohol consumption, avoiding eye strain and overexertion, getting plenty of rest and remaining well-hydrated.

Stop taking birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy or other medications that might be causing your headache. Many medications are linked to headaches, and discontinuing use of the medications might provide quick relief from head pain.tipsPrevent headaches by limiting caffeine and alcohol consumption, avoiding eye strain and overexertion, getting plenty of rest and remaining well-hydrated.tipsStop taking birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy or other medications that might be causing your headache. Many medications are linked to headaches, and discontinuing use of the medications might provide quick relief from head pain.keywordheadache treatment, headache home remedies, biofeedback headaches, migraines, cluster headacheskeywordsheadachekeywordstreatmentkeywordsheadachekeywordshomekeywordsremedieskeywordsbiofeedbackkeywordsheadacheskeywordsmigraineskeywordsclusterkeywordsheadachesResourcesreferenceMayo ClinicreferenceNational Institutes of HealthreferenceNemours Foundation

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