
15 Foods That Are High In Potassium

Studies suggest boosting your potassium intake and curbing salt and sodium can slash your stroke risk by 21% and may also lower your odds of developing heart disease. Potassium, a mineral, works by protecting blood vessels from oxidative damage and keeps vessel walls from thickening. Adults should aim to get 4,700 mg of potassium a day. These delicious foods can help you reach your goal.
Sweet Potatoes
Surprise—sweet potatoes, not bananas, rank highest on the list of foods that are high in potassium. One sweet potato packs a whopping 694 mg of potassium and only 131 calories, plus loads of fiber, beta-carotene, and energizing carbs. Baked, fried, grilled, mashed, or stuffed, sweet potatoes are one of the healthiest and most delicious foods you can eat.
Tomato sauces
Fresh tomatoes are great, but tomato paste and puree are better sources of potassium. One quarter cup of tomato paste delivers 664 mg of this vital mineral, while one half cup of puree comes in at 549 mg. Tomato juice itself has just over 400 mg. So if you love cooking with tomatoes and want to get more potassium into your diet, make spaghetti sauce more often!
Beet greens
If you’ve ever bought fresh beets and tossed the greens in the garbage, time to change your ways. Those cooked, slightly bitter greens deserve a place at the table in part because they pack a whopping 644 mg of potassium per half cup. Antioxidant-packed beets are also a great source of folate, raw or cooked!Read more: Yahoo Health
source:Yahoo Health

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